Examination Rules



You have been registered and are scheduled to participate in a formal EASA Part-66 Module Examinations. By using the website, you are able to verify the location and date of the examination.

During our examination the following rules must be respected (followed);


  • No Cheating
  • The desk must remain empty
    • You are only allowed to have the examination papers, which are provided by us.
    • You are only allowed to use a blue or black ballpoint.
    • You are not allowed to bring/have additional papers.
    • You are not allowed to bring rulers, calculators, etc.
  • Mobile phones must be placed near the examination invigilator and be silent or switched off. The presence of electronic devices such as smart phones, smartware (smart watches) and tablet computers are not allowed during the examinations, these devices should be shut-off and placed near the Examination Invigilator. 
  • The Examination Invigilator will give you a personalized examination pack, you are not allowed to open this pack, unless the Examination Invigilator allows you to open the package. The package consist of:
  • Each student must read and complete the examination cover page and fill out the requested data.
  • Each student must sign the Answer Grid / Sheet.
  • Any remarks of the students can be written in the remark field on the Answer Grid / Sheet. These remarks will be reviewed.
  • On the reverse side of the examination cover page, an instruction is provided how to complete the Answer Grid / Sheet and make corrections (see also below).





The rules relating to the examinations must comply with the Basic Examination Standard as defined by EASA (being Appendix II, to Annex III from (EU) 1321-2014):

1. General

1.1.           All basic examinations shall be carried out using the multi-choice question format and essay questions as specified below. The incorrect alternatives shall seem equally plausible to anyone ignorant of the subject. All of the alternatives shall be clearly related to the question and of similar vocabulary, grammatical construction and length. In numerical questions, the incorrect answers shall correspond to procedural errors such as corrections applied in the wrong sense or incorrect unit conversions: they shall not be mere random numbers.

1.2.           Each multi-choice question shall have three alternative answers of which only one shall be the correct answer and the candidate shall be allowed a time per module which is based upon a nominal average of 75 seconds per question (For Type Training and average of 90 seconds per question).

1.3.           Each essay question requires the preparation of a written answer and the candidate shall be allowed 20 minutes to answer each such question.

1.4.           Suitable essay questions shall be drafted and evaluated using the knowledge syllabus in Appendix I Modules 7.

1.5.           Each question will have a model answer drafted for it, which will also include any known alternative answers that may be relevant for other subdivisions.

1.6.           The model answer will also be broken down into a list of the important points known as Key Points.

1.7.           The pass mark for each module and sub-module multi-choice part of the examination is 75 %.

1.8.           The pass mark for each essay question is 75 % in that the candidates answer shall contain 75 % of the required key points addressed by the question and no significant error related to any required key point.

1.9.           If either the multi-choice part only or the essay part only is failed, then it is only necessary to retake the multi-choice or essay part, as appropriate.

1.10.        Penalty marking systems shall not be used to determine whether a candidate has passed.

1.11.        A failed module may not be retaken for at least 90 days following the date of the failed module examination, except in the case of a maintenance training organisation approved in accordance with Annex IV (Part-147) which conducts a course of retraining tailored to the failed subjects in the particular module when the failed module may be retaken after 30 days.

1.12.        Basic knowledge examinations with a maximum allowed time of more than 90 or more than 180 minutes may be split in two or three partial exams. Each Partial exam is complementary to the other partial exam or exams taken by the candidate, ensuring that the combination of partial exams meets the examination requirements for the subject module; We have divided the following modules in two (2) partial examinations: Module 11, Module 12 and Module 13.

1.13.        The maximum number of consecutive attempts for each module is three in a 12-month period.

The applicant shall provide in a written statement to the approved maintenance training organisation or the competent authority to which they apply for an examination, the number, and dates of attempts during the 12 months preceding the examination, and the organisation or the competent authority where those attempts took place. The approved maintenance training organisation or the competent authority is responsible for checking the number of attempts within the applicable time frames.